General Assembly
Positions Up for Election: Three positions will be up for election, all of which are voting positions on the Board. These include:
- Co-chair of the Athlete Committee
- Regional Director for the Northeast
- States of the NE Region: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, & West Virginia
- Job Description
- Apply
- Regional Director for the Southeast
- States of the SE Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Tennessee
- Job Description
- Apply
Deadline to Apply to Run for Office: You must submit your application by March 1, 2025.
How Candidates Are Evaluated: The Nominations Committee, made up of three members of the Elections Working Group, will review the jotform answers, resumes, and letters of intent. Candidate qualifications will be compared against the criteria listed in the job descriptions. Once approved by the Nominations Committee, candidates will need to submit for a background check.
As part of the election process, members also have the opportunity to introduce proposals for constitutional amendments. Proposals for constitutional amendments will be screened by the Law and Legislation Committee for compliance with IPF requirements and nonprofit status. Once approved, proposals for constitutional amendments will be placed on the ballot and can be voted on as part of the election. To submit an amendment, email Maura Shuttleworth, Chair of the Law and Legislation Committee, at [email protected]. Amendments must be received by March 1, 2025.
PA will be sending more detailed instructions on the next steps in the election process over the next few months, but here is a preview of what to expect:
Candidates will be announced on March 31, 2025.
Information on how to apply for voting credentials will also be sent on March 31, 2025 and you’ll have a month to sign up.
Online voting will take place at two Forums–the General Assembly on May 30, 2025 which will occur at the Classic and Equipped Age Division Nationals and a candidates forum that will take place the weekend prior. To participate in online voting, you’ll need to join one of these meetings either virtually or in person.
Please consider sharing your talents with PA by running for one of the three positions. We will be providing regular updates throughout this process. Please feel free to reach out to the Elections Working Group through [email protected].