Record Setting Policy



  1. Powerlifting America (PA) records State and National records for:

a. The following disciplines/categories:

i. Squat.
ii. Bench press.
iii. Bench press single-lift.
iv. Deadlift.
v. Deadlift single-lift (State records ONLY)
vi. Total.

b. The following age divisions:

i. Pre-sub-junior (PS) – from the day the lifter reaches 11 years through the day before the lifter reaches 14 years.

            1. May only set State records
            2. Referees will be allowed the discretion, based upon safety, to allow the attempt.

ii. Sub-junior (SJ) – from the day the lifter reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 18 years.
iii. Junior (JR) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 23 years.
iv. Open (O) – from the day the lifter reaches 14 years and upwards.
v. Master 1 (M1) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 49 years.
vi. Master 2 (M2) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 59 years.
vii. Master 3 (M3) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 69 years.
viii. Master 4 (M4) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 70 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 79 years.
ix. Master 5 (M5) – from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 80 years.

2. For age-related records:

a. Master 1 (40-49 years of age) records exceeding the open record will be included in the open categories if appropriate.
b. Master 2 (50-49 years of age) records exceeding those gained in the Master 1 will be included in the Master 1 category and Open category if appropriate.
c. Master 3 (60-69 years of age) records exceeding those gained in the Master 2 category will be included in the Master 2 category and in the Master 1 and Open categories if appropriate.
d. Master 4 (70-79 years of age) records exceeding those gained in the Master 3 category will be included in the Master 3 category, and in the Master 2, Master 1, and Open categories if appropriate.
e. Master 5 (80+ years of age) records exceeding those gained in the Master 4 category will be included in the Master 4 category, and in the Master 3, Master 2, Master 1, and Open categories if appropriate.
f. Pre-sub-junior (12-14 years of age) lifters may only set State Pre-sub-junior records.
g. Sub-junior records exceeding those gained in the Junior age group will be included in this group and Open categories if appropriate.
h. Junior records exceeding the Open record will be included in the Open category if appropriate.

3. Setting of National and/or State records:

a. The lifter must have a current PA membership prior to the start of their competition. New records are only valid if they exceed the previous record by at least 0.5 kg.
b. Three-lift records must be set in full powerlifting meets in which the lifter registered a total.
c. Single-lift records may be set in single-lift, two-lift or full powerlifting meets. To receive credit for a single-lift record the lifter must register a total.

i. Should a lifter exceed the single lift bench press record or deadlift single-lift record while lifting in a three-lift powerlifting contest, the lifter may claim the single lift bench press record  or deadlift single-lift record if bona fide attempts (an attempt made with weight that matches the lifter’s abilities and circumstances at the time) are made on both squat and deadlift.
ii. Should a lifter in a single lift bench press or deadlift single-lift contest exceed the three-lift powerlifting record the lifter cannot claim the three-lift powerlifting record.

d. A “Guest” lifter may not set National records.

4. PA National Records

a. Lifters attempting to break a Sub-Junior, Junior, Open, or Master record may only take an attempt that is not a multiple of 2.5kg if the attempt exceeds the records for all of the divisions the lifter is competing in.

i. CLARIFICATION A: a 46-year old lifter (i.e., Master 1) who is competing in the Open division may NOT attempt to break a Master record with an attempt that is not a multiple of 2.5kg. The lifter may break the Master record but it must be with a lift that is a multiple of 2.5kg.
ii. CLARIFICATION B: a 46-year old lifter (i.e., Master 1) who is competing in the Master division may attempt to break a Master record with an attempt that is not a multiple of 2.5kg. If this also breaks the Open record, the lifter will also be given the Open record.
iii. CLARIFICATION C: a 46-year old lifter (i.e., Master 1) who is competing in the Open division may attempt to break an Open record with an attempt that is not a multiple of 2.5kg.  If this also breaks the Master 1 record, the lifter will also be given the Master 1 record.

b. National records can only be set at:

i. PA sanctioned Signature Sanction events.
ii. PA sanctioned Regional events.
iii. PA sanctioned National events.
iv. International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) sanctioned Regional events.
v. IPF-sanctioned International Events (including all IPF World Championships).
vi. IPF-affiliate National championship. – It is the responsibility of the lifter to notify    

c. All National record attempts in squat, bench press, or deadlift must be adjudicated by three national and/or international referees.
d. Small discs or “chips” may be added to the load to increase the actual weight of the National record attempt. Discs smaller than 1.25kg may be used on any National record attempt for Squat, Bench Press, or Deadlift. When discs smaller than the 1.25kg are used for the first, second, or third attempt in any event, the exact weight on the bar will be counted for the record lift, the meet total and the meet results.

i. Increments less than 2.5kg may be used for National Record attempts only with calibrated weight sets.
ii. CLARIFICATION – Attempts in increments of less than 2.5kg may not be taken for the sole purpose of breaking a National Total record.
iii. CLARIFICATION – If a lifter cannot achieve a Total, the lifter may NOT chip for an individual discipline record.

e. National record attempts may take place on any of the three attempts, regardless of the degree of success or the amount of weight used on previous attempts.
f. In the event two or more lifters request the same weight for a new Squat, Bench Press, or Deadlift National record, the first lifter to succeed at that weight will be the record holder.
g. If two lifters in different meets held on the same day achieve the identical new record in any discipline or Total:

i. The record will go to the lighter lifter.
ii. In the case of equal body weight, the record will go:

          1. For Sub-junior, Junior, or Open age division records, to the younger lifter.
          2. For Master age division records, to the older lifter.

iii. If all of the above are equal, both lifters will hold the record.

5. PA State Records

a. All state records must be in increments of 2.5kg unless:

i. The state record is the result of the setting of a National or International record.
ii. The existing state record was established with the formation of PA.

b. Fractional plates,plates less than 1.25 kg, may NOT be used for setting state records with the exception of Pre-Sub-Junior attempts.
c. In addition to PA Local meets, State records may be set under all circumstances in which a National record may be set when:

i. The event is sanctioned by:

          1. PA.
          2. An IPF Regional sanctioning authority.
          3. IPF.
          4. IPF-affiliate National championship.

a. It is the responsibility of the lifter to notify

ii. It is a sanctioned three-lift, two-lift or single-lift meet.
It is adjudicated by PA/IPF certified State, National, or International referees.

d. In order to set a state record, the lifter must be registered with PA in that state.

i. This registration is evidenced by the lifter’s mailing address on the PA registration on the date of the event.

            1. A lifter registered in Alabama may set an Alabama State Record at a meet in Wisconsin. 

            2. A lifter registered in Alabama may NOT set a Wisconsin State Record at a meet in Wisconsin.

e. In the event of two lifters breaking either a current individual lift or Total record with the same weight, the same procedures established for the setting of National records will apply.
f. Age related records – the same procedures will be followed as for National records.
g. Bench Press records –  the same procedures will be followed as for National records.