Statement From the Powerlifting America Executive Commitee

We are aware of the threats made this morning via social media and take this matter
very seriously. Law enforcement officials have been notified, and Powerlifting America is
cooperating fully with their investigations. The Executive Committee and National Office
take the safety of all our Powerlifting America athletes, as well as all visiting
international athletes, visitors, and our industry partners, as our highest priority, and our
organization will take all actions necessary to ensure this.

– The Powerlifting America Executive Committee

Ineligibility Violations of Article 14 in the Constitution 

Dear friends,

As this is a delicate matter, we want to provide the correct interpretation of the IPF Rule on when and how Article 14 is applied so as not to cause any misunderstanding and to be as fully transparent as possible. 

Key and important, once an athlete, coach, official, or referee participates in a Powerlifting America event, they shall be bound by all Rules and Regulations of the International Powerlifting Federation. Until this point, neither the IPF nor Powerlifting America retains no jurisdiction over anyone who is NOT currently a member.

For example, if an athlete, coach, and/or referee, while a member of Powerlifting America, takes part in a non-WADA-recognized event, they shall render themselves ineligible for (only National and International Championships only) 12 months.

Overall, the responsibility to ensure compliance rests with each individual. If you’re unsure, please email us at the PA National Office here: [email protected]

We welcome all athletes, coaches, officials, and referees from the United States to join our organization!
