Equipped Nationals

Equipped Nationals

Las Vegas, NV
June 26-28


Las Vegas Convention Center

Las Vegas, NV


Athletes must achieve a total (in any weight class) from a Powerlifting America, NAPF, IPF, or IPF Affiliate event between June 4th, 2023, and June 25th, 2025.

All Athletes are required to be current members of Powerlifting America by June 11th, 2025.

Additional info


View the IPF rulebook.


All support suits, shirts, wraps, belts, singlets, and knee sleeves must be on the IPF Approved List.


Medals will be given to 1st – 5th place by total and weight class for all divisions.

Best Lifter Awards will be awarded to the top male and female lifters at the conclusion of the event.


All registered lifters are subject to drug testing before or after the competition from USADA.

qualifier for:

2025 Equipped Worlds

Cluj Napoca, Romania

2025 North Americans

Georgetown, Cayman Islands