National Teams – Old

Per IPF Rules, each country has the ability to field teams in following divisions at international events, where those divisions are available:

Teams (28 in total):

• Men’s Classic (Raw): Open, Sub-Junior, Junior, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV
• Women’s Classic (Raw): Open, Sub-Junior, Junior, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV
• Men’s Equipped: Open, Sub-Junior, Junior, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV
• Women’s Equipped: Open, Sub-Junior, Junior, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV

Each nation is allowed a maximum of eight (8) competitors spread throughout the range of the eight (8) bodyweight categories for men and eight (8) competitors throughout the range of eight (8) bodyweight categories for women.

In the junior and sub-junior age categories nine (9) for men and nine (9) for women. There must not be more than two competitors from any one nation in any particular bodyweight category.

An individual competitor may only enter one classic category and one equipped category.

Age Categories:

Men and Women

Open: from the day the lifter reaches the age of 14 years and upwards.
Sub-Junior: from the day the lifter reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 18 years.
Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 23 years.
Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 49 years.
Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 59 years.
Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 69 years.
Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 70 years and upwards.

Bodyweight Categories:


• 53.0 kg class up to 53.0 kg (Sub-Junior and Junior only)
• 59.0 kg class up to 59.0 kg (from 53.01 kg up to 59.0 kg – Sub Junior and Junior Only)
• 66.0 kg class from 59.01 kg up to 66.0 kg
• 74.0 kg class from 66.01 kg up to 74.0 kg
• 83.0 kg class from 74.01 kg up to 83.0 kg
• 93.0 kg class from 83.01 kg up to 93.0 kg
• 105.0 kg class from 93.01 kg up to 105.0 kg
• 120.0 kg class from 105.01 kg up to 120.0 kg
• 120.0+ kg class from 120.01 kg up to unlimited


• 43.0 kg class up to 43.0 kg (Sub-Junior and Junior only)
• 47.0 kg class up to 47.0 kg (from 43.01 kg up to 47.0 kg – Sub Junior and Junior Only)
• 52.0 kg class from 47.01 kg up to 52.0 kg
• 57.0 kg class from 52.01 kg up to 57.0 kg
• 63.0 kg class from 57.01 kg up to 63.0 kg
• 69.0 kg class from 63.01 kg up to 69.0 kg
• 76.0 kg class from 69.01 kg up to 76.0 kg
• 84.0 kg class from 76.01 kg up to 84.0 kg
• 84.0+ kg class from 84.01 kg up to unlimited

Bench Press National Team

Powerlifting America’s national team qualifying criteria for the following two 2023 international events:

Bench Press National Team

Powerlifting America’s national team qualifying criteria for the following two 2023 international events:

• 2023 IPF World Classic and Equipped Bench Press Championship – May 20-28, 2023 – Sun City, South Africa
• 2023 NAPF North American Regional Classic and Equipped Bench Press Championships – October 28-29, 2023 – Mexico City, Mexico

Automatic Selections: The men’s and women’s classic and equipped bench press champions of their respective age category and weight class at the 2023 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Championships will automatically be selected as a member of the National Team representing the United States.

First Wave of Alternate Selections: If the automatic qualifier (from any age category/weight class group) is unable to accept their position, an additional team member will be selected from the following list: Any second place finishers from the 2023 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Championships in each aforementioned age category and weight class will be grouped together and ranked by IPF GL formula points.

Second Wave of Alternate Selections: If the automatic qualifier (from any age category/weight class group) is unable to accept their position and the first wave of alternates has been exhausted, an additional team member will be selected from the following list: All remaining finishers (third place and lower) from the 2023 Powerlifting America Bench Press National Championships in the aforementioned age category and weight class will be grouped together and ranked by IPF GL formula points.

All other National Teams

Details to follow.