Social Media Policy
The Purpose of the Powerlifting America Social Media Policy
- Powerlifting America (PA) recognizes the benefits of social media as an important instrument to engage and communicate with our athletes and fans of our sport.
- Social Media platforms can be extremely beneficial as communication tools to inform and publicize the sport of powerlifting.
- PA encourages all affiliated to adopt the responsible use of social media that is free of content that is abusive, derogatory, racist, or defamatory, in any way, toward another person, group, business, organization or sponsor.
- PA encourages and supports constructive and respectful dialogue and advertisements on Social Media.
- The primary purpose of this policy is to establish standards of appropriate behavior when using social media.
The Scope of the Powerlifting America Social Media Policy
- The policy shall apply to ALL athletes, coaches, officials, referees, staff members, competition directors, non-compete members, and volunteers, affiliated directly or indirectly to PA. More importantly, this policy shall apply to all IPF National Associations and Federations to include their registered clubs. Social Media posts/content that attempts to harm, slander, libel another person or another organization shall be deemed unacceptable.
- Persons involved in our sport shall be Safeguarded and provided with a safe, respectful, and secure environment for both training and competition, free from any and all bullying, harassment, and threats by way of social media.
The Powerlifting America Guidelines for the Use of Social Media
- First and foremost, each person is ultimately responsible for the hosted content they place on Social Media. Think twice, before posting your content. Ask yourself, is it constructive or destructive in nature? Ensure the information that you place on Social Media is accurate and correct, and that it will not be perceived by another person as threatening or intimidating in any way.
- Please be conscious of the content that you publish as it may remain public for a long period of time.
- Posted Social Media Content may, in fact, open the door to your private or professional life.
- Please be aware that your posted Social Media Content may reflect negatively on your powerlifting club, Powerlifting America and the IPF. All of us, are representatives of our sport!
- Your Social Media Content should be respectful, and forthright in nature, and should have the same tone and demeanor as if you were having a face-to-face discussion with someone.
- Do not post photographs or videos of other athletes or your teammates without their permission.
- All Social Media Content should represent the highest level of professionalism at all times. As an athlete, coach, official, referee you are a representative of our sport and connected with the IPF.
- Content of a questionable nature should be erased immediately.
- Cyberbullying, in any form, shall not be tolerated and taken seriously. Any incidence of cyberbullying should be reported to either Powerlifting America or to the IPF Safeguarding Representative.
Violations of the Powerlifting America Social Media Policy
- Powerlifting America cannot actively monitor Social Media Content for each person affiliated in some way to PA. However, if there is Social Media Content brought to the attention of PA that is deemed not acceptable, the person and the inappropriate material shall be forwarded to the appropriate committee.
- If a violation to the policy is identified, PA shall take action in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Codes of Conduct, and other relevant policies. If needed, the case shall be forwarded to the IPF.
- A breach of this policy may result in the following:
- Suspension of the person’s membership for a set period of time.
- Removal of the person from any and all elected positions.
- SafeSport report filed against the person.
- Warning and probation of the person for a set period of time.