Classic and Equipped Junior and Sub-Junior Teams

Last Updated on 11/25/2024


Head Coach: John Burford – SubJr-Junior
Assistant Coach: Tom Beale – [email protected]
Assistant Coach: Casey Calderone – [email protected]                                             
Assistant Coach: Vincent Mangione – [email protected]                                                

Selection Criteria:

Must be a current Powerlifting America member in good standing.
Athletes must pay all past and present team fees seven days before the end of final nominations, along with any outstanding debts to the federation.

Who is a Junior:

Any lifter born on or between January 1st, 2002 through December 31s,t 2006

Who is a Sub Junior:

Any lifter born on or between January 1s,t 2007 through December 31st, 2011  (who has reached their 14th birthday)

Eligible Qualifying Events:

  • Powerlifting America University Nationals – April 3rd – April 6th
  • Powerlifting America High School Nationals – April 10th-April 13th
  • Powerlifting America Classic Sub Junior & Junior Nationals – May 28th-June 1st
  • Powerlifting America Equipped Nationals – June 26th– June 28th 
  • International meets after June 1st, 2024

Results from all qualifying meets will be grouped together (as if it was one meet) by their respective division:     

Sub-Junior Classic (Raw)
Sub-Junior Equipped
Junior Classic (Raw)
Junior Equipped

Sub Junior Classic (Raw)
Sub Junior Equipped
Junior Classic (Raw)
Junior Equipped

Worlds Selection

For each division:

Primary Selection

Lifters will be ranked by IPF GL Points. The Top 9 lifters by points and who also have the highest total in their weight class will be automatic selections to the National Team.

Secondary Selection

Those lifters not automatically selected will be ranked by Carpino scores.  The remaining spots on the team will be filled by the highest ranked Carpino score from any Powerlifting America Nationals.

NAPF Selection                                                                                                          

For each division:
The first 18 alternates (9 women, 9 men) that don’t make the World Championship Team will be selected for the North American Regional Powerlifting Championships in the order of IPF GL Points.


  • Lifters must be either residents or eligible for a United States passport.
  • Lifters who do not weigh in within the limits of their registered weight class will be considered under the secondary selection process for the weight class for which their body weight puts them.
  • Lifters with a bigger total than lifters in the next higher weight class will be considered for selection before those with a lower total.
  • The first 9 lifters who are offered a spot on the Subjunior or Junior National teams for the World Championships may decline and receive a spot for the NAPF Championships.